Doing “Nothing” for Your Kids

There is a fine line as a parent of doing what your child needs and also stepping back and doing nothing so they can learn. I’m at that tipping point where my baby is not a helpless little baby anymore. He is a little toddler who has a strong desire to do things on his own. I have to step back and start doing less, or nothing, so he can grow.

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General, Life Skills Elizabeth King General, Life Skills Elizabeth King

Take a Week Off

Give yourself the gift of time off from the hustle, from the to-do-lists, and from the routine. You may just surprise yourself with what you do with your free time and how that can re-prioritize your to-do-list when you come back to it.

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If Parents Ate Their Children’s Food

What is your child’s relationship with food? If you had to list the top foods your child eats, how many would be processed foods and how many would be foods that you, as the parent, also eat? The example parents set for their children on healthy food habits starts when you first introduce solid foods to your child. It is an ongoing, important relationship that we, as parents must prioritize.

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General, Relationships, Life Skills Elizabeth King General, Relationships, Life Skills Elizabeth King

When You Don’t Have Common Sense with Dogs

Dog sense. Often referred to as ‘common sense about dogs” was absolutely lost with a recent interaction I had with my dog and a random woman with her toddler. It made me furious. It also made me think about how grateful I am for my lifelong experiences with dogs. I know each of you has great dog sense. Take a moment to read about my experience with this random woman and what I recommend moving forward.

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Life Skills, Child Development, General Elizabeth King Life Skills, Child Development, General Elizabeth King

Water Safety Skills

When you think about your child and open water, how does that sit with you? Many parents would say fearful - what if my child drowns? That is a valid fear… and there is a huge opportunity for our children to learn water safety skills. I didn’t say learn how to swim, I said water safety skills. Each child has their own way of interacting with water. Being safe while interacting can give yourself and your child the confidence needed to enjoy summertime.

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General, Relationships, Life Skills Elizabeth King General, Relationships, Life Skills Elizabeth King

When I Didn’t Trust My Instincts

That little voice in your head that tells you, just for a second, to do something. Or that little tingly feeling you get in your gut that points you in the right direction. Well, what happens when you either don’t hear the voice, don’t feel the tingling, or you ignore it? Some call that following your instincts or trusting your gut. Well… last night, I didn’t and that was a mistake.

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General, Life Skills, Relationships, Routines Elizabeth King General, Life Skills, Relationships, Routines Elizabeth King

Mama’s Morning Routine

I’m a creature of habit and really enjoy the consistency of my morning routine. When my routine, and our family’s routine, works then our day is a well oiled machine. But each day is not a perfectly oiled machine with consistent predictability. There are variables each day that can throw a wrench into the morning routine. I am constantly being pulled between wanting a consistent routine and embracing the messiness of everyday life.

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General, Relationships, Life Skills Elizabeth King General, Relationships, Life Skills Elizabeth King

The Last Time - You’re Not a Baby Anymore

The last time I called you baby, I didn’t know it would be the last time. The last time I napped with you, shouldn’t have been the last time. The last time I changed your diaper was a change toward freedom and independence. There have been many “last times” we shared when you were a baby and there are so many more first times for us as a toddler. I miss you, baby. I miss who you were as a baby. I also love you as a toddler and who you are becoming as a person.

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General, Relationships, Life Skills Elizabeth King General, Relationships, Life Skills Elizabeth King

Journaling Your Life

Taking a few moments to journal about your life can provide perspective, a little bit of self-care, and immense opportunities for reflection and gratitude. I hope this inspires you to take a little time for yourself to reflect on the life you are building, the influence you have within your family, and the legacy you are leaving behind.

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General, Life Skills, Relationships Elizabeth King General, Life Skills, Relationships Elizabeth King

Sunday Family Game Plan

We all were trying to figure out a better way to manage the week instead of having the week manage us. My husband and I intentionally created balance among our personal, family, and professional needs and we fiercely protect that balance each week. We use a “Sunday Family Check-In” to talk about these great conversation starters:

  • Personal schedule

  • Professional schedule

  • Meal prep for the week

  • Household chore checklist

  • Personal check-in

  • Marriage & relationship check-in

  • Podcast pick

What has come from these conversations is a deeper connection with my husband, a clearer understanding of each other, and a team-based approach to managing our week. It’s been amazing and I hope you consider adopting a Sunday Family Game Plan in your life.

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General, Child Development, Life Skills Elizabeth King General, Child Development, Life Skills Elizabeth King

Eczema… What You Need to Know

Learning about eczema was not on my radar when I first became a mother. There were so many other “priorities” and chronic skin conditions just weren’t on the list. I wish I would have known how common eczema is with children, especially under the age of 4, and how I could have better helped my son with his eczema. Hindsight is always 20/20. For those of you who are learning about eczema, checkout my beginner’s overview for eczema and tips on how we have managed this.

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Budgeting, Child Development, Life Skills Elizabeth King Budgeting, Child Development, Life Skills Elizabeth King

Free Community Activities

Summertime is right around the corner and the kids are getting out of school. Are you excited to spend the summer with them AND are you also looking for fun things to do that are free? I am too. I keep a list for those sunny and warm days and for the rainy and cold days. I hope you enjoy this list of free community activities and have an amazing summer with your family!

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Budgeting, General, Life Skills Elizabeth King Budgeting, General, Life Skills Elizabeth King

Grocery Budgeting

Everyone needs to eat and figuring out a budget for groceries can be a challenge. I like to approach my family as a business and understanding our cash flow really helps our family make ends meet. Our family uses these principles to manage our grocery budget:

• Get comfortable talking about money.

• Create and stick to a budget.

• Maintain a consistent grocery order.

• Limit the number of times we order take out.

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Sensory Bins - Are they Worth the Money?

Sensory bins and play are a rising, modern parenting trend. Can we talk about these? Are they worth the money? Let’s have a conversation around: (1) defining sensory development and its importance, (2) defining sensory play, (3) identifying average attention spans of infants and toddlers, (4) sharing average cost of pre-made sensory bins, and (5) providing cost-effective sensory alternatives.

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Budgeting, General, Life Skills Elizabeth King Budgeting, General, Life Skills Elizabeth King

Making Your Pre-Tax Dollars Go Further

Hi! Who is excited for summer? I am! This pale body really needs some sunshine, warmth, and beaches. My ongoing mental to-do-list is growing with things like purchase sunscreen, aloe vera, bug spray, and other items my family needs for the summer. Before going on Amazon to purchase all these items - let’s take a moment to talk about how to pay for these items. It may not be what you think!

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Child Development, Life Skills Elizabeth King Child Development, Life Skills Elizabeth King

“Real-World Smart”

One of the biggest and heaviest responsibilities a parent has is teaching your child skills for them to become a well-rounded, respectful, and independent adult. Basically, for them to become a good human-being. Through intentional routines, purposeful play, and life skill building, I am turning my baby into a boy and my husband is turning our boy into a man. A man who has “real-world smarts,” not “book smarts.”

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