Doing “Nothing” for Your Kids
There is a fine line as a parent of doing what your child needs and also stepping back and doing nothing so they can learn. I’m at that tipping point where my baby is not a helpless little baby anymore. He is a little toddler who has a strong desire to do things on his own. I have to step back and start doing less, or nothing, so he can grow.
Lower Body Moves
Has your toddler mastered walking and running but you are looking for more lower body movement ideas? I have identified 9 additional movements for your child to continue their lower body development. These moves support strength, coordination, balance, and endurance!
Walking & Running
One of the most exciting experiences I’ve had throughout my son’s life has been watching his gross motor skills develop. He walked at 10 months and 1 day old and his physical abilities have skyrocketed ever since those first precious steps. In this blog post, I’m sharing helpful tips and purposeful play ideas to support walking and running milestones.
Child Development Series
This month’s blog series is on child development for ages 18 months to 2.5 years old. I believe this age range is incredibly interesting, especially learning about their developmental needs, their personality changes, and how they are viewing the world. Join me as I discuss how I’ve supported my child’s development in his gross motor & fine motor skills, imagination & memory, speech & comprehension, his body, empathy, and life & social skills.